1913 North America maybe in Antarctica?
animal life_ survival food
Harpoon_ tool to kill polar bears
I found the video very interesting, emotional and i was fascinated with everything they do. its interesting to look back in time and see what ppl have done for surviving compared to now. i can see we "AMERICANS" have it easy in this generation. For example back then their transportation was a kayak which fit like 5 ppl and a dog. and now in modern day society we have cars, bus, airplanes which take us to our destination. And for food they basically was struggling. some nighs they go without food. and their living condition for them was insane to me. carving ice and snow to build there igloo to sleep in and they keep warm by body heat and piling their big polar bear fur clothes on top of each other to keep warm.
there weapons that they use was a knife to kill for food. a stick to capture fish etc.
And as for entertainment for their kids the snow became in handy and was in use in many different ways. (survival, toys and water). i got very emotional when i saw that they discovered what looks like to me a music record player. they were like astonished buy it.
as seen in this picture below:
I wouldn't know how to survive if i was living in that time. i thank god everyday for blessing me with this life i have. and never take anything for granted because they're ppl out there who have it worst than you!